Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It time to come back to post le....chalet&camp had ended...
Both of the event quite fun&can bond with classmates....(:Time really flies!!!
Today 1 Dec le!!!left with 1month&school will reopen!!ARGH!!Dec i also full
with event....Dec mean i will be going for hoilday!!!(:can escape from this place
which can me a lot of 烦恼 !!!!>.
recieve the bursary letter!!This year i will not be geting it so ya sad lo..even
though it might be nothing to most of the people....):This few days feeling quite
down too...缘分只把我们带到这里,到这里就结束了,你去跟你想跟
This is all the camp photo i have....
will post again next week with lot of pictures!!(: