Monday, September 7, 2009
YEAH!!!!!TEOHSINHUI is back!!sorry,nvr update my blog for like
2week+!!!many many thing happening...in memory,i onlz can rmb
sat went chinatown&saw RUIEN!!&took picture with her le!!!:Dthan went
arena go find them than jp..at jp quite fun la...learn quite a number of
canto words!!haha...than everythin i learn all bad de...learn le must
apply ma...jiu apply on "say ju tao"lo...haha..sorry...XD
first day of de 1week break...went bck to school to huv remindal than
bck home around 4+...really lazy to start revising on my work...NO faith,
mood&truth in myself le...>.<my results is de worst around my friend...
to mie is quite a embarrsing thing...they got 1-3 underline on their
report book while i have 6!!!!teohsinhui ,you very smart!!!>.
compare totem!!!=.=wanna win them ,maybe i have to wait for ,dun know how
Below are some of the pictures i have: