Friday, August 21, 2009

CT IS OVER!!YEAH!!!:D had been really stressing for bloody week!!=.=
sleeping at 12+,1+...damn tired!!only can say seem like my effort not paid off..
=.=that is the point that i really feel very sad!!!=(ya,i must admit that i really last
mintinue chiong de but other people also le!!why i fail??fine,maybe my mind too
stupid&plain le...>.,galz,i think i really totally lose to you in everything even my chinese!&i dun
think i can never win you anymore le...i nvr blame you is not yr fault for achieveing
such a high grades...maybe i am too WEAK!!Hope next week getting bck F&N,E math &physics ,pls dun
kill mie....let hope for de best!!:D
Finish our last F&N paper !!!oh yah..damn unlucky,got caught by ms wong for play
cards!!sorry mathdias...=.=than after school,quickly rush home i thought i will be
slowest but at the end..i am de first to find dionis&sharon...we wait&wait...de last one
to arrivied is de DUCK lo!than watch where got ghost at 4:30...end abt 6:15...Overall
the moive not bad la not what other say till so bad....than.....
went junkai hus play cards than home weet home..=)hope huv more outings more
kutu memebers!!:D