It had come to a full-stop,no comma any more.....=(
Sunday, October 25, 2009

but...seem like not the case results that i get back does not allow me
to do so...=(get back all the results le result than make me feel very
disapponting is my SS!!!i thought it would be my strongest but at the end
my mark was freaking low...overall my HU did very badly...i calculate le...
there are 8 subject in total...i onlz got 53%...=[ya,i know is freaking low....
but...wat is done is done....need to accept the fact&face the
class with my besties!!!without them,my everyday it will be so bloody borin...
we might be just next door but the friendship will 淡diao de!!=(this year class
rock to the max but i think my 缘分with this class&friend might end soon.......
让缘分 lead my way....
Below are pictures that are took when went out with
BESTIES!!it might become percious memories soon.....=(