let nature take it course.....(:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hope they and I can enjoy the camp too!(:
Here i am to post for this week....since 2more till friday cannot
post le...hope de camp is fun for us to enjoy lo...if not fun very
SIAN de...(About the previous post)it sound like i am leaving...
haha....amyway,the thing already settle&need pay price for it...(:
The outcome is wat dionis expected so i own her Ice-cream le lo....
Dionis:Dun worry i say will treat mean will treat de before i go off to
my hoilday....(:hmm...nothing to post about le ...海派甜心is a good show ,
very NICE to watch de(random)...(:Coming few days full of activity,
confirm very tired de le...
Below are roughly my schedule for this hoilday:(can choose to dun read it) :
Tue(17/11/09):go to harbourfront there to do trekking for the upcoming
hiking for red cross...
wed--fri(18/11-20/11):away for sec3 camp to malaysia...(:
Sat(21/11):goin malaysia again...
Sun(22/11):going out to eat for uncle birthday..(should be)..
tue(24/11):goin hiking with red cross...(if i am not wrong)...
wed-fri(25/11-27/11):class chalet....:D
sat(28/11):goin vivo...(should be)...
thur(3/12)-fri(4/12):red cross day camp..(should be)..
sat(5/12):wedding to attend...
fri(18/12)-fri(25/12):goin for hoilday!!(:
That all for this post!!Good night ppl!(:IS 12:05am le...(:
let nature take it course.....(:
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hope they and I can enjoy the camp too!(:
Here i am to post for this week....since 2more till friday cannot
post le...hope de camp is fun for us to enjoy lo...if not fun very
SIAN de...(About the previous post)it sound like i am leaving...
haha....amyway,the thing already settle&need pay price for it...(:
The outcome is wat dionis expected so i own her Ice-cream le lo....
Dionis:Dun worry i say will treat mean will treat de before i go off to
my hoilday....(:hmm...nothing to post about le ...海派甜心is a good show ,
very NICE to watch de(random)...(:Coming few days full of activity,
confirm very tired de le...
Below are roughly my schedule for this hoilday:(can choose to dun read it) :
Tue(17/11/09):go to harbourfront there to do trekking for the upcoming
hiking for red cross...
wed--fri(18/11-20/11):away for sec3 camp to malaysia...(:
Sat(21/11):goin malaysia again...
Sun(22/11):going out to eat for uncle birthday..(should be)..
tue(24/11):goin hiking with red cross...(if i am not wrong)...
wed-fri(25/11-27/11):class chalet....:D
sat(28/11):goin vivo...(should be)...
thur(3/12)-fri(4/12):red cross day camp..(should be)..
sat(5/12):wedding to attend...
fri(18/12)-fri(25/12):goin for hoilday!!(:
That all for this post!!Good night ppl!(:IS 12:05am le...(: