Sunday, January 17, 2010

2 week of january over le....goin 3 weeks le!!Time really dun wait for
anyone!!Monday will be the 3 week le....More test&homework&stress
is coming up!!!=.=STRESS!!!:(This year should be a very SUPER hard
year!!!This year class...i am the last few positions!!I dun want it to be
last few!!Hope i can try my best to work million hard ba?Hope so.....
As pq say this year will be depress,cry more??Just hope for the best
for this year&upcoming comontest!!!ARGHHH!!!
1)A1 for chinese for Olevel!!(try make it a must!)
2)Math&science at least B3
3)English at least a B3
2)L1B3<15(aim higher)
I may not able to achieve the goals that i set,i will try my best ba!(: