Saturday, April 3, 2010
teddy bear museum...(:
feel quite sad abt this picture...
Back here again to entertain my blog..hehex.
wake up at 6 to somehow they call it shao mu at redhill?aiya!
dun know where de respects to gu gu and great grandfather..
lucky not many ppl there!(:After than went thomas to eat breakfast with
grandparents,uncles....than went bugis for few hours jiu go home le...
So TIRED!!!=.=jiu slp from 4+ to 7+lo..than do some work...2moro will
be a stay at home day...fri&sat keep going out till tired le...REST!!:D
Yesterday(2 april):
Mummy wake up mie at 8+,so early la!!=.=ask mie eat breakfast with
her &daddy so we went jp eat lo..than after that take mrt to somerset..
went 313>OG >taka>wisma>ION than take mrt home le...Obviousy,
everytime with parents,i sure will buy thigs de...haha...sorry,mummy&
daddy:Xsaw a family which parents cannot talk de(i think),de kid
have to communicate with them sign lauguage..i was thinking
i should feel bless,STOP COMPLAINING!(:Face the problems
instead of hiding it!!!(:
That all for this week!!(:will post again next week....(: