Thursday, May 21, 2009
YAH!!!:DBack to my lovely blog&update my life...
*thick-skinned*haha..often with lame ppl so also become so
Do de stupid e-learning make mie SOOO early...zzz...=.=Dad at home so
not much freedom too...time flies quite fast too!!So afraid that 2moro
will come cause after school need to tell mummy my Amath&physics result
which i had hidden this for like 3-5 days le....i know they will be feeling angry&
disappointed but i really dun know how la!!!>.< Last few days,getting back all
results...hmm...sorry,Dionis...maybe to you i am so ren xin and irrating
person??i also dun know..anywhere,is good that this mid-year you did
quite good except Amath..good 4 you than...really sorry...>.
happened??this weekend i dun think i will have a wondeful le..thks to my beautiful
加油吧!!专心读书 吧!!:D