Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Taken at universal studio at japan!:DToday woke up 6:35 just for
2H physic lesson ....Damn tired de
cause yesterday slept at 12am!!!*zzzz*The lesson just talk about light
stuff &i only manage to isten abit cause i at there crapping rubbish
with dioins,caijuan&sharon!!HAHA!!!=)
than after lesson.... went jp
with dionis&sharon until like 12:30..they went back school& i went
home lo...=)
Continue to do my math homework which make mie wanna die le!!!!=(
i know i cannot give up,will continue trying!! :Di am trying to complete my homework before friday!!!
Off to continue struggling with my homework!!!:D
will post again this week cause de rest of de days,dad at home
cannot use computer!!!!=(
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Taken at universal studio at japan!:DToday woke up 6:35 just for
2H physic lesson ....Damn tired de
cause yesterday slept at 12am!!!*zzzz*The lesson just talk about light
stuff &i only manage to isten abit cause i at there crapping rubbish
with dioins,caijuan&sharon!!HAHA!!!=)
than after lesson.... went jp
with dionis&sharon until like 12:30..they went back school& i went
home lo...=)
Continue to do my math homework which make mie wanna die le!!!!=(
i know i cannot give up,will continue trying!! :Di am trying to complete my homework before friday!!!
Off to continue struggling with my homework!!!:D
will post again this week cause de rest of de days,dad at home
cannot use computer!!!!=(